Poem 408

Country road
kicked from its belly
an ancient quartz stone.

Poem 392

In the hot north wind
that no wattle trees shade
cicada shrills.

Poem 376

Whale watch
one wave rising
out of the blue.

Poem 359

Cellar wines
in cool walls
a cricket’s constant chirp.

Poem 343

Midday sun
slowly ending
Sunday’s lay-in.

Poem 327

Before the tide
heron prints
along the bay’s black mud.

Poem 311

Wine and cheese night
the joys of the riffs
from a jazz trio.

Poem 295

Midday heat
she brings us sliced iced mangoes
on a cold white plate.

Poem 279

Campfire coffee
the stars of the Universe
passes some time.

Poem 263

Frost in the hills
the cattle dogs mouthing-off
with their cloudy breaths.