Poem 1253

Bedroom mirror
night cream jars
bright in autumn sun.

Poem 1237

Home alone
mirrors in the mirrors mirror
his mother’s shattered mirror.

Poem 1221

Window mirror
on the spring roses
their pregnant buds.

Poem 1205

Laurel in the mirror
the many combs through
her rain soaked hair.

Poem 1189

After his wake
father’s face
in my shaving mirror.

Poem 1173

In the mirror
the self-drawing slips
from Laurel’s hand.

Poem 1157

In the mirror
the orange tree swinging
its solitary fruit.

Poem 1141

Sundial garden
a cricket chirp short
of twilight.

Poem 1268

Lake picnic
no one seeing
the canoe drift away.

Poem 1252

No sun today …
yet in the mirror
the thaw drips, drips,